Crucifixion and The Use of Nails

The description of how Jesus was affixed to the cross is not contained in the crucifixion narrative in any of the gospels. In the past, some scriptural experts had expressed doubts that crucifixion victims were ever nailed to their crosses by the Romans.
Interestingly, the notion that Jesus was nailed comes to us from the New Testament post-resurrection story of doubting Thomas, who is quoted as saying:
“Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe. ”
In an astonishing archaeological find in 1969, Thomas' indication of nail wounds was borne out in a Palestinian first century grave site. The remains of an iron spike 4.53 inches long were incrusted into the heel bone of a man who had been crucified during the administration of Pontius Pilate. A piece of olive wood from the cross was still attached. The name of the crucified man was Yehohanan.
This discovery held an additional bit of information which also supports the gospel accounts: both leg bones had been broken, apparently to hasten death, as was the case with the thieves executed alongside Christ.
Further reading:
It is remarkable and surprising that women play such a prominent role in the gospels as the first witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
The Gospels give accurate details about Jesus’ travels and distances to the places he visited.
On Easter morning, John and Peter, after hearing Mary Magdalene’s report that Jesus’ body was missing, raced to the tomb.
A bold move from one of the members of the Sanhedrin.
Holy Week in Art: the Resurrected Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.
On the fifth day of Holy Week, Jesus is arrested after Judas betrays him with a kiss.
On the fifth day of Holy Week, Judas and his disciples celebrate the passover meal.
On the third day of Holy Week, Judas Iscariot negotiates with the Sanhedrin to hand Jesus over.
On the third day of Holy Week, the religious leaders confront Jesus in order to entrap him.
On the second day of Holy Week, Jesus cleanses the temple.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey and is greeted by great crowds.
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tags / Crucifixion, Jesus, Cross, Nails, Passion of Jesus, Easter, Holy Week