Frankincense discovery

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
Frankincense is an ancient aromatic resin that has been used in perfumes and incense for 6,000 years.
What is the source of the unique aroma we get when we burn frankincense?
Until now, the elusive aroma has remained a mystery.
Two new molecules have just been discovered by a French team of chemists who were working on isolating the sources of the well known "church" smell.
These two molecules, even though they don't reproduce the smell in its entirety, will be very helpful in recreating the whole fragrance in the future.

Aside from its usefulness in the perfume industry, this discovery is important for another reason. The frankincense tree, named Boswellia tree, is endangered and could disappear in about 50 years.
The tree grows in Somalia, Oman and Yemen, in the African continent, and starts producing resin when it is 8 to 10 years old.
The resin is extracted from the bark of the tree using taps.
It is then air-dried and produces pale yellow droplets that, when burnt, give off the familiar Christmas, church-like aroma of frankincense.

Further reading:
It is remarkable and surprising that women play such a prominent role in the gospels as the first witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
The Gospels give accurate details about Jesus’ travels and distances to the places he visited.
On Easter morning, John and Peter, after hearing Mary Magdalene’s report that Jesus’ body was missing, raced to the tomb.
A bold move from one of the members of the Sanhedrin.
Holy Week in Art: the Resurrected Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.
On the fifth day of Holy Week, Jesus is arrested after Judas betrays him with a kiss.
On the fifth day of Holy Week, Judas and his disciples celebrate the passover meal.
On the third day of Holy Week, Judas Iscariot negotiates with the Sanhedrin to hand Jesus over.
On the third day of Holy Week, the religious leaders confront Jesus in order to entrap him.
On the second day of Holy Week, Jesus cleanses the temple.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey and is greeted by great crowds.
Illuminated books are beautifully decorated texts.
Mosaic, a beautiful and long-lasting art form.
A new collection of miniature portraits of Jesus that fit in any small space.
Creatinine and ferritin iron nanoparticles found on the Shroud of Turin.
A beautiful and otherworldly depiction of an exhausted Jesus surrounded by angels.
A lovely locket pendant with miniature Jesus portrait based on the Shroud of Turin.
The Shroud of Turin would be of limited interest as an ancient artifact were it not for the fact that the gospel of Mark mentions that Joseph of Arimathea wrapped Jesus' body in a linen cloth for burial.
Our movie Jesus Alive Again has been accepted to compete at GLSF.
Two newly discovered molecules shine light into the aroma of the ancient resin.
tags / Jesus, Magi, Frankincense, Jesus birth